Digitization and linguistic diversity: kick-off event and panel discussion

We would like to invite you to the kick-off event of our WWTF-funded DIGILINGDIV project, featuring a brief overview of why we think that investigating the relationship between digitization and linguistic diversity matters and what we plan to do in our research, as well as a panel discussion on the matter.


  • Welcome addresses by Michael Strassnig (Deputy managing director of WWTF) and Allan Hanbury (Vice Dean, Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien)
  • Introduction to DIGILINGDIV by the project PIs, Andreas Baumann, Hannes Fellner & Julia Neidhardt

Our guests for the panel discussion are going to be:

  • Martin Fritz (Secretary General of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO)
  • Alíz Horváth (Assistant professor of East Asian History and Digital Humanities, Central European University, and Head of the DARIAH Multilingual DH Working Group)
  • Erich Prem (Researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna, Philosophy of Media and Technology, and TU Wien)
  • Barbara Soukup (Assistant professor of the Sociolinguistics of German in Austria, Department of German Studies, University of Vienna)

There will be snacks and drinks after the discussion.



Essential information

  • When? Monday, January 27th, 2025, 17:00-20:00
  • Where? Hofburg, Batthyany-Stiege, Schreyvogelsaal (entrance in Michaelerkuppel, to the right of the Sisi-Museum) 
  • Languages: German and English
  • How? Registration is closed